old man joe
2010-03-21 14:12:45 UTC
God Almighty doesn't need His atheists approval to exist nor to carry on with His work of saving
sinners. some are shown mercy, some are hardened. ( Ro. 9:18 ) now, where do you suppose the
atheist fits in to Romans 9:18 ?
" He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires. "
( Ro. 9:18 )
while the Atheist rightly looks upon what TV evangelists preach as trash, and as he sees the
murderous, money grabbing philosophy of selling forgiveness of sins the Catholics are famous for, as
well as their idol worship and Polytheism... if he's ever encountered a Moonie or a Jehovah
Witness... he rightly sees no value in religion... none of these are telling the truth about the
Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
the only source of truth is in the Holy Scriptures.
there we read that no one is capable of accepting Jesus Christ unto salvation; it is God choice
who will be saved and who will not be saved. Romans 9:18 tells you that.
while the Evangelical types insist otherwise, saying Christ died for everybody and desperately
wants all to make a decision to accept Him as their Lord and Savior so as to become saved... the
Bible says quite to the contrary.
the Bible says He came to save " His people " ( Mt. 1:21 ) and no one else. ( Jn. 17:9 ) it is
these and these alone who have been given the faith of Jesus Christ and are saved unto eternal life.
Gal. 2:16
those of His marked for mercy are those who's names He wrote in His Book of Life before He ever
created the all things. and, wonderfully, the good and bad people do are never taken into account
when He made this choice ( Ro. 9:11 )... it rests solely in the secret counsel of God.
He is called ' Almighty ' since He can make anew the most hardened sinner as well as keep under
chains those who are appointed to His wrath.
in fact, our word ' atheist ' comes from the Bible and is found there only once in Eph. 2:12 and is
rendered " without God. " the amazing interpretation the Fundamentalists put on this word ' atheist
' is contrary to the whole of Scripture... to be an Atheist doesn't mean that one has weighed all
the facts he can gather and conclude's there is no God to answer to.
what it does mean is as the verse it's found in describes, and many other passages speaking to why a
person is ' without God. ' these are said by God to ' hardened '
( Ro. 9:18 ) ... without hope, strangers and aliens to all things freely bestowed upon those to whom
God does indeed have mercy... the Atheist is dead in sin; he is hated by God
( Ps. 5:4-6 ) God is angry with him everyday. Ps. 7:11
all this and more is exactly why the Atheist mocks the Bible and God Himself; he is abandoned by
God for anything more than the general grace He gives to all mankind.
sinners. some are shown mercy, some are hardened. ( Ro. 9:18 ) now, where do you suppose the
atheist fits in to Romans 9:18 ?
" He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires. "
( Ro. 9:18 )
while the Atheist rightly looks upon what TV evangelists preach as trash, and as he sees the
murderous, money grabbing philosophy of selling forgiveness of sins the Catholics are famous for, as
well as their idol worship and Polytheism... if he's ever encountered a Moonie or a Jehovah
Witness... he rightly sees no value in religion... none of these are telling the truth about the
Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
the only source of truth is in the Holy Scriptures.
there we read that no one is capable of accepting Jesus Christ unto salvation; it is God choice
who will be saved and who will not be saved. Romans 9:18 tells you that.
while the Evangelical types insist otherwise, saying Christ died for everybody and desperately
wants all to make a decision to accept Him as their Lord and Savior so as to become saved... the
Bible says quite to the contrary.
the Bible says He came to save " His people " ( Mt. 1:21 ) and no one else. ( Jn. 17:9 ) it is
these and these alone who have been given the faith of Jesus Christ and are saved unto eternal life.
Gal. 2:16
those of His marked for mercy are those who's names He wrote in His Book of Life before He ever
created the all things. and, wonderfully, the good and bad people do are never taken into account
when He made this choice ( Ro. 9:11 )... it rests solely in the secret counsel of God.
He is called ' Almighty ' since He can make anew the most hardened sinner as well as keep under
chains those who are appointed to His wrath.
in fact, our word ' atheist ' comes from the Bible and is found there only once in Eph. 2:12 and is
rendered " without God. " the amazing interpretation the Fundamentalists put on this word ' atheist
' is contrary to the whole of Scripture... to be an Atheist doesn't mean that one has weighed all
the facts he can gather and conclude's there is no God to answer to.
what it does mean is as the verse it's found in describes, and many other passages speaking to why a
person is ' without God. ' these are said by God to ' hardened '
( Ro. 9:18 ) ... without hope, strangers and aliens to all things freely bestowed upon those to whom
God does indeed have mercy... the Atheist is dead in sin; he is hated by God
( Ps. 5:4-6 ) God is angry with him everyday. Ps. 7:11
all this and more is exactly why the Atheist mocks the Bible and God Himself; he is abandoned by
God for anything more than the general grace He gives to all mankind.